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Curriculum vitae


  • Python programing including NumPy, PyTorch, TensorFlow,  pandas, Matplotlib

  • Matlab programming

  • R programing

  • Signal processing, Image processing, Machine learning

  •  2D and 3D graphics programming in OpenGL

  • Psychtoolbox programming for precise stimulus presentation and observer’s interface

  • Optical imaging (Wide-field Calcium Imaging, Voltage sensitive dyes, intrinsic signal optical imaging)

Analyzing imaging data, physiological and behavioral data


2022            Lecture, Introduction to programming with python (course),                              HackerU College, Israel

2021             Lecture, Introduction to programming with python

                   (undergraduate class),  Achva Academic College, Israel

2021 - 2022    Lecture, python programing (6-7 grade elementary school),

                   Alicecode program for young girls

2021 - 2023   Teaching assistant, From molecule to neuron

                  (undergraduate class), The Hebrew University, Israel               

2020 - 2023  Teaching assistant, Introduction to cellular physiology

                  (undergraduate class), The Hebrew University, Israel

2019            Teaching assistant, advanced laboratory in neuro-biology

                  (undergraduate class), Bar-Ilan University, Israel

2019            Teaching Assistant, laboratory methods in life science

                  (undergraduate class), Bar-Ilan University, Israel

2016 - 2018   Teaching assistant, advanced laboratory in neurophysiology

                  (graduate class), Bar-Ilan University, Israel

2015            Teaching assistant, human research lab course

                  (undergraduate class), Bar-Ilan University, Israel

2015            Teaching Assistant, laboratory methods in life science

                 (undergraduate class), Bar-Ilan University, Israel


2020 - 2023                  PhD studies, Computational neuroscience            

                                  Medical Neurobiology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

                                  Supervisor: Dr. Ariel Gilad

                                  Thesis title: “Tactile perception mechanisms in the cortex of behavioral mice”

2015 – 2019                  PhD studies, Computational neuroscience

                                  Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

                                  Supervisor: Prof. Hamutal Slovin

                                  Thesis title: “Neural Mechanisms of Depth Perception from motion parallax in the Visual Cortex

                                                     of Behaving Monkeys and perception in humans”

2011-2014                    M.Sc, Computational Neuroscience

                                Gonda Multidisciplinary Brain Research Center, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel, cum laude

                                Thesis Title: "The Effects of Spatial Attention on Neuronal Population Activity in V1 of Behaving Monkeys"

                                Supervisor: Prof. Hamutal Slovin

2008-2011                  B.Sc, Life Science

                               Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel

Academia achivments

Academia presentations

             - Ma’ayan Gadot, Ariel Gilad, Tactile perception mechanisms in the cortex of behaving mice, 5th IMRIC Retreat

               (Institute for Medical Research Israel - Canada) (Israel, 2022)

Academia posters

            - Ma’ayan Gadot, Ariel Gilad, Tactile perception mechanisms in the cortex of behaving mice, ,iSFN annual meeting (Israel, 2022)

              Best swift poster presentation and poster prize.

            - David Levitan, Ma’ayan Gadot, Ariel Gilad, , iSFN annual meeting (Israel, 2022)

            - Ma’ayan Gadot, Ariel Gilad, Tactile perception mechanisms in the cortex of behaving mice,

                Medical Neurobiology Young Researchers Conference (Israel, 2021)

             - Ma’ayan Gadot, Gregory C. DeAngelis Hamutal Slovin, Dynamic Perspective: effects on Humans’ Depth Perception

               and on Neural Activity in monkey’s V1, Gouda annual retreat Young Researchers Conference (Israel, 2018)

             - Ma’ayan Gadot, Itay Shamir, Hamutal Slovin, The effects of attentional field size on neuronal population responses in V1 of behaving monkeys,

               "From Synapses to Circuits in Health and Disease" The 6th Inter-Academy Symposium (IAS) of the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina

                and the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities (Berlin, Germany, May 2018). Invited poster

             - Ma’ayan Gadot, Itay Shamir, Hamutal Slovin, The effects of attentional field size on neuronal population responses in V1 of behaving monkeys,

               iSFN annual meeting (Israel,2015).

              Best swift poster presentation and poster prize.

             - Ma’ayan Gadot, Itay Shamir, Hamutal Slovin, The effects of attentional field size on neuronal population responses in V1 of behaving monkeys,

               SFN annual meeting (Chicago, USA, 2015)

Academic summer schools

             - Deep learning course and project. Neuromatch academy (zoom international course, 2022)

             - Cold spring harbor laboratory - Computational Neuroscience: Vision (New York, 2018)

Scholarships and awards

           - Helmsley Scholarships to attend CSHL summer course (2018)

           - President's scholarships to outstanding Ph.D. students on behalf of Bar-Ilan University, 2016-2020.

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